Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Milan, Italy, August 4, 2023, 7 am CET – Newron Pharmaceuticals S.p.A. (“Newron”) (SIX: NWRN, XETRA: NP5), a biopharmaceutical
Study 014/015 is a Phase II trial evaluating evenamide as add-on therapy for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS)
Full data from first 100 patients at the one-
Further data from study 014/015 of evenamide in treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) confirms potentially relevant role of glutamatergic release modification when added to TRS
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Milan, Italy, May 2, 2023, 7 am CET – Newron Pharmaceuticals S.p.A. (“Newron”) (SIX: NWRN, XETRA: NP5), a biopharmaceutical company
Milan, Italy, April 18, 2023 – Newron Pharmaceuticals S.p.A. (“Newron”) (SIX: NWRN, XETRA: NP5), a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of novel therapies for
Study 014/015 is a Phase II trial evaluating evenamide as add-on therapy for patients with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS)
Full data suggest a new strategy for the
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Results from all 161 patients at the 6-week primary endpoint show a statistically significant improvement over baseline in all
Presentation will include full data from the six-month interim timepoint from the cohort of the first 100 patients randomized in study 014/015, a Phase II trial evaluating
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Milan, Italy, March 14, 2023, 7 am CET – Newron Pharmaceuticals S.p.A. (“Newron”) (SIX: NWRN, XETRA: NP5), a biopharmaceutical
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Highly compelling, statistically significant, clinically meaningful improvement in assessments of symptoms of psychosis, disease
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